Bit Repairman

Notes from a ruby developer

16 Oct 2013

My vim maps


Once a bunch of plugins are loaded, looking at their default mappings shows a few problems. First they don't follow each others conventions. Some use control characters, some use leaders. Also, they often don't provide mappings to secondary features which I would like to have, like NERDTreeFind, and it can difficult to choose a good mapping.

So I set out to reconceptualize my mappings. This page explains that and lists my maps for reference.

Map namespaces

First of all, I can think of mapping keys as in different namespaces:

  • <leader> + keys
  • Control keys (like <C-P> for CtrlP)
  • Alt keys
  • [ and ] (used by motions)
  • Ctrl-W window commands
  • no-prefix, like i in normal mode to enter insert mode

The leader space is good because it's a known convention for user maps and vim doesn't define any by default. My leader is ",". A practical issue is left hand keys are easier to type after "," than right hand keys.

Control keys are not so good because vim defines a lot of them and the namespace is very crowed. Also, some have meaning for terminals like <C-S> to suspend. My research found that only the following are safe to use in normal mode:

h, i, j, m, n, p, k.

I couldn't find any maps defined with Alt keys. The drawback I found is that vim won't see them as <M-X> or <A-X> on OS X. Instead OS X interprets them as international characters like ñ. But they can be used if the maps are defined with these characters, like this:

:map œ :echom 'alt q pressed'<CR>

Also on OS X, some alt characters modify the next character, by adding a tilde for example. These are `, e, u, i, n. I also found others that don't seem to work: b, t.

In sum, avoid these:

`, b, e, i, n, t, u

Motion keys are great but should only be used by motions.

Ctrl-W window keys are like <C-W>v which creates a vertical split. These keys all modify windows. Many keys are already defined.

No-prefix keys are used by vim. I'm not sure if any are available for maps.

map scopes

I haven't needed this for my customizations, but maps can be scoped to a buffer and to a mode like normal or visual.

types of plugins

I can categorize plugin features into a few types:

  • motion
  • navigation
  • text transform (selected with a motion or visual mode)
  • window related (I include features which open in a window, like NERDTree)
  • fuzzy find

my concept

Here's what I'm going with:

  1. Window related functions use alt keys.
  2. Plugins with multiple maps all start with a common prefix. Nerdtree uses <M-R> as a prefix for example.


Prefix is <M-F>, categories change window, navigate

TODO: I'm missing [b and ]b maps

map command
<M-F> :BuffergatorToggle()<CR>


Prefix is <C-P>, categories are change window, fuzzy find.

map command
<C-P><C-P> :CtrlP<CR>
<C-P><C-U> :CtrlPBuffer<CR>

Easy Motion

Prefix is <leader><leader>, category is motion

map command
,,w * :call EasyMotion#WB(0, 0)<CR>
,,t * :call EasyMotion#T(0, 0)<CR>
,,n * :call EasyMotion#Search(0, 0)<CR>
,,k * :call EasyMotion#JK(0, 1)<CR>
,,j * :call EasyMotion#JK(0, 0)<CR>
,,gE * :call EasyMotion#EW(0, 1)<CR>
,,f * :call EasyMotion#F(0, 0)<CR>
,,e * :call EasyMotion#E(0, 0)<CR>
,,b * :call EasyMotion#WB(0, 1)<CR>
,,W * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0, 0)<CR>
,,T * :call EasyMotion#T(0, 1)<CR>
,,N * :call EasyMotion#Search(0, 1)<CR>
,,ge * :call EasyMotion#E(0, 1)<CR>
,,F * :call EasyMotion#F(0, 1)<CR>
,,E * :call EasyMotion#EW(0, 0)<CR>
,,B * :call EasyMotion#WBW(0, 1)<CR>


Prefix is <leader>g

TODO: add a map to Ggrep which I use most often

map command
,gp :Git push<CR>
,gc :Gcommit<CR>
,gl :Glog<CR>
,gd :Gdiff<CR>
,gs :Gstatus<CR>
,gb :Gblame<CR>


Categories are opens a window, navigate

map command
<M-G> :GundoToggle<CR>

indent object

Category is motion

map command
aI * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
aI * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR>
ai * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
ai * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR>
iI * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
iI * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR>
ii * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
ii * :<C-U>cal <SNR>61_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR>

Inflector (my plugin)

Prefix is <leader>i, category is text transform

map command
,ii :call Inflector()


map command
<C-W>! Kwbd
,= <C-W>=
,hs :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
,fc <Esc>/\v^[<=>]{7}( .*
,tw :set invwrap<CR>:set wrap?<CR>
,ul :t.<CR>Vr=
,et :tabe <C-R>=expand('%:h').'/'<CR>
,ev :vsp <C-R>=expand('%:h').'/'<CR>
,es :sp <C-R>=expand('%:h').'/'<CR>
,ew :e <C-R>=expand('%:h').'/'<CR>
,md :!mkdir -p %:p:h<CR>
,cd :lcd %:h<CR>
,L mQgewvuQ`
,U mQgewvUQ`
,l mQviwuQ`
,u mQviwUQ`
,fef * :normal! gg=G<CR>
<F4> :set invpaste<CR>:set paste?<CR>
<D-9> 9gt
<D-8> 8gt
<D-7> 7gt
<D-6> 6gt
<D-5> 5gt
<D-4> 4gt
<D-3> 3gt
<D-2> 2gt
<D-1> 1gt
<D-0> 0gt
<D-j> ]egv
<D-k> [egv
<D-Down> * <C-End>
<D-Up> * <C-Home>
<D-j> ]e
<D-k> [e
<D-[> <<
<D-]> >>
<D-[> <<
<D-]> >>
<D-[> <gv
<D-]> >gv
<Up> gk
<Down> gj
<BS> "-d


Category is motion

map command
[% * v:<C-U>call <SNR>63_MultiMatch("bW", "o") <CR>
[% <Esc>[%m'gv
[% * :<C-U>call <SNR>63_MultiMatch("bW", "n") <CR>
]% * v:<C-U>call <SNR>63_MultiMatch("W", "o") <CR>
]% <Esc>]%m'gv
]% * :<C-U>call <SNR>63_MultiMatch("W", "n") <CR>
g% * v:<C-U>call <SNR>63_Match_wrapper('',0,'o') <CR>
g% * :<C-U>call <SNR>63_Match_wrapper('',0,'v') <CR>m'gv
g% * :<C-U>call <SNR>63_Match_wrapper('',0,'n') <CR>

my settings


map command
<C-K> 10k
<C-J> (aka <NL>) 10j

text transforms

map command
,$ :call Preserve("%s/\\s\\+$//e")<CR>


Prefix is <leader>c, category is text transform

map command
,cc NERDCommenterComment
,cu NERDCommenterUncomment
below I use less often
,ca NERDCommenterAltDelims
,cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth
,cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft
,cA NERDCommenterAppend
,cy NERDCommenterYank
,cs NERDCommenterSexy
,ci NERDCommenterInvert
,c$ NERDCommenterToEOL
,cn NERDCommenterNested
,cm NERDCommenterMinimal
,c<Space> NERDCommenterToggle
<D-/k> NERDCommenterToggle<CR>


Prefix is <M-R>, categories are change window, navigate.

map command
<M-R><M-R> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
<M-R><M-F> :NERDTreeFind<CR>


Category: text transform

TODO: consider using a <leader>s prefix for all of these

map command
cs Csurround
ds Dsurround
gS VgSurround
ySS YSsurround
ySs YSsurround
yss Yssurround
yS YSurround
ys Ysurround
S VSurround


Category is opens a window

map command
<M-A> :TagbarToggle<CR>


map command
<P * :call <SNR>99_putline('[p')<CR><']
<p * :call <SNR>99_putline(']p')<CR><']
=P * :call <SNR>99_putline('[p')<CR>=']
=p * :call <SNR>99_putline(']p')<CR>=']
>P * :call <SNR>99_putline('[p')<CR>>']
>p * :call <SNR>99_putline(']p')<CR>>']
[<C-L> unimpairedLPFile
[<C-Q> unimpairedQPFile
[<Space> unimpairedBlankUp
[A unimpairedAFirst
[B unimpairedBFirst
[L unimpairedLFirst
[Q unimpairedQFirst
[T unimpairedTFirst
[a unimpairedAPrevious
[b unimpairedBPrevious
[e unimpairedMoveUp
[f unimpairedDirectoryPrevious
[l unimpairedLPrevious
[n unimpairedContextPrevious
[o unimpairedOPrevious
[oc * :set cursorline<CR>
[od * :diffthis<CR>
[oh * :set hlsearch<CR>
[oi * :set ignorecase<CR>
[ol * :set list<CR>
[on * :set number<CR>
[or * :set relativenumber<CR>
[os * :set spell<CR>
[ou * :set cursorcolumn<CR>
[ow * :set wrap<CR>
[ox * :set cursorline cursorcolumn<CR>
[p unimpairedPutAbove
[q unimpairedQPrevious
[t unimpairedTPrevious
[u unimpaired_url_encode
[uu unimpaired_line_url_encode
[x unimpaired_xml_encode
[xx unimpaired_line_xml_encode
[y unimpaired_string_encode
[yy unimpaired_line_string_encode
]<C-L> unimpairedLNFile
]<C-Q> unimpairedQNFile
]<Space> unimpairedBlankDown
]A unimpairedALast
]B unimpairedBLast
]L unimpairedLLast
]Q unimpairedQLast
]T unimpairedTLast
]a unimpairedANext
]b unimpairedBNext
]e unimpairedMoveDown
]f unimpairedDirectoryNext
]l unimpairedLNext
]n unimpairedContextNext
]o unimpairedONext
]oc * :set nocursorline<CR>
]od * :diffoff<CR>
]oh * :set nohlsearch<CR>
]oi * :set noignorecase<CR>
]ol * :set nolist<CR>
]on * :set nonumber<CR>
]or * :set norelativenumber<CR>
]os * :set nospell<CR>
]ou * :set nocursorcolumn<CR>
]ow * :set nowrap<CR>
]ox * :set nocursorline nocursorcolumn<CR>
]p unimpairedPutBelow
]q unimpairedQNext
]t unimpairedTNext
]u unimpaired_url_decode
]uu unimpaired_line_url_decode
]x unimpaired_xml_decode
]xx unimpaired_line_xml_decode
]y unimpaired_string_decode
]yy unimpaired_line_string_decode
coc * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("cursorline")<CR><CR>
coh * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("hlsearch")<CR><CR>
coi * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("ignorecase")<CR><CR>
col * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("list")<CR><CR>
con * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("number")<CR><CR>
cor * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("relativenumber")<CR><CR>
cos * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("spell")<CR><CR>
cou * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("cursorcolumn")<CR><CR>
cow * :set <C-R>=<SNR>99_toggle("wrap")<CR><CR>
yA * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>A
yI * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>I
yO * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>O
yP * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>i
ygI * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>gI
ygi * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>gi
yo * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>o
yp * :call <SNR>99_setup_paste()<CR>a


Category is opens a window

map command
<C-W><C-M> :ZoomWin<CR>


How to see all mappings

:redir > maps.txt
:silent map
:redir END
:e maps.txt